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Visitors since August 7, 1998:
402. Running Multiple DBs on the Same Server
400. Moving Objects Among Tablespaces
399. What should PCTUSED be for frequently updated tables?
395. Changing the location of the initSID.ora file from the default
390. ORA-1658 : Temporary Segments not releasing
387. How to see DB reads/writes over time
384. How to see DB reads/writes over time
381. How full is the shared pool?
378. When was the table dropped?
377. Copying Data From Test to Production
369. Primary Keys: Sequences or "Real" Data?
356. Sequences with "cache" option can skip numbers
351. Creating Alphanumeric Sequences
347. Create a small DB from a large DB
338. Slow CREATE and DROP TABLE and SYSTEM tablespace fragmentation
332. What is the default maximum sequence value?
330. Finding the size of an index
328. Will deleting dump files affect the database?
313. Sample Data Warehouse init.ora file
312. Where is OPTIMAL Rollback Segment value stored in Oracle DD?
311. What Init file values are being used?
305. What to do if your NEXT won't fit in your tablespace
303. Cost-based optimizer information
301. Freeing up TEMP space after a large JOIN operation
300. CREATE DATABASE: a sample script
299. Which views, procedures, and packages are dependent upon a table?
290. Flushing shared pool does not free memory?
288. How to send messages to the Alert Log...
284. Where are the files associated with my database?
282. Storing data in different tables (...or partitions...)
278. Reverse-engineering CREATE TABLE with PARTITION commands
276. 1. Who dropped a table? 2. What locks are blocking?
275. Is Oracle Year2000 (Y2K) compliant?
272. The potential bad effects of moving a table from one tablespace to another
270. Sequences are skipping numbers...
265. MaxExtents and Block Size
256. ORA-1658: Cannot create INITIAL extent in TEMP tablespace
253. Running utlbstat and utlestat in a non-SYS account
250. How many cpu's does Oracle recognize?
249. Finding the Database name
248. Finding the optimizer mode for the database
242. Creating two instances on the same server
231. Installing with raw devices
230. What is the BECOME USER privilege?
228. Setting large storage parameters
225. Segment and free space allocation
223. SYS tables are chaining...
222. How do TEMP segments get cleared out?
221. Migrating Oracle6 to Oracle7: straight from datafiles?
218. Changing the database name
214. Checking available free space
209. 1) How to defragment a tablespace 2) What objects are in a tablespace
208. Which users are using which Rollback Segments?
204. rollback segments are not shrinking
202. What's a schema, and should I update SYS tables/views?
201. Copying constraints, indexes, etc. along with a table
198. What is a Thread Advance?
194. How long to migrate Oracle 7.3 to Oracle 8.0?
193. How do you application tune?
190. What to do if someone says the DB is running slowly.
188. Breaking delimited data into separate fields
187. Are multiple extents bad for performance?
185. Can't run Server Manager in Motif mode
184. How do you query ROLLBACK SEGMENTS? Are there temporary tables? ...
183. Table sizing for data warehouse implementation
181. Renaming a database on NT 4.0
180. Reporting on contiguous freespace sizes for each tablespace
177. 1) 7.3.2 on Linux? 2) Does import use extra disk space?
175. Copying a database to another server while it is still up
173. What does flushing the shared pool do?
163. Finding which users hog the system
161. Password Expiration Methods
160. Oracle8.0 for Windows NT - Newbie Question
157. Reducing Buffer Cache Misses
156. Instance Startup Parameters
152. Determining and changing ROLLBACK sizes
145. 7.3.2 init.ora parameters
143. How do you read REDO logs?
141. Creating a second instance
140. rollback segs prob. ->
137. On Oracle architecture...
129. Clearing rollback segments
126. About database setup... Urgent
121. How to detect objects approaching MAXEXTENTS
110. Extents, Blocks, etc. - can anyone point me to help?
109. NUM_ROWS statistic incorrect
107. Password after installation???
103. Default value of pct_increase
99. DB_BLOCK_SIZE: Possible Misinformation
97. How to determine free memory in Oracle
94. Rollback tablespace fragmentation
90. How can I determine the size of my Oracle database?
85. Size of physical datafiles ..URGENT!!!!!
82. How to move a user's tables from one tablespace to another tablespace.
75. Q: How to reconfigure shared-memory segment size in Sun Solaris 2.5.1 kernel (SPARC)
72. Generators for Primary Keys
71. PCTUSED - How can I display the value of a table?
69. Question about check constraint
68. How to change password in SqlPlus/Net?
62. How do you determine free space in DB?
61. How can I find how many instances in a server
60. System and temp tablespace
59. Poor perfmance after large delete
56. Question on tablespaces and table spaces
54. [HELP] How can I find deadlocks?
51. newbie.. start services/database
49. Am I running out of extents (fragmentation)?
42. REDO log shifts are blocking for DB updates !!!
39. ROLLBACK SEGMENTS: Some basic questions
36. URGENT: more extents needed!
34. Help ! problems with temp file
30. SYSDATE - Time slow to update?
28. How can I find out who is currently using the DB?
27. NEWBIE: file structure for ORACLE
21. How do I reclaim index space?
20. Starting a job at specified intervals
18. Performance - empty blocks, 7.1 UNIX
8. This is an easy one. How do I do a simple directory list of my Oracle7 tables?