John Papadomichelakis
( wrote:
: This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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: Hi..
: We have an HPUX (HP 9000)systerm with 128MB that will support about 50
: or more users.
: I believe that currently the database's startup parameters are for SMALL
: size.
: Are there some special parameters I can add to have better performance?
: I notice that changing the shared pool size from the default to a much
: bigger number, I had over 25% increase of speed in some queries.
: Can I do anything more than that?
: --
: Papadomichelakis John
: "Unite for Java! -"
: __________________________________________________
: email :
: TEL : 30 31 758 429, 30 31 709 796
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There are too many parameters to go over in an email. I would suggest
"Oracle Performance Tuning" by O'Reilly for Oracle7 databases. If you can
wait a few weeks, two books I co-authored will be coming out with advice
on this subject ("Oracle8 How-To" and "Special Edition: Oracle8").
Until then, it depends alot on your database as to which parameters to
adjust. Some of the more important ones are:
* db_block_buffers (how much data to buffer in memory to avoid going to
disk often). This is in increments of what your db_block_size is set to.
* shared_pool_size (you already tuned this)
* log_buffer
* cpu_count (must have 7.3; determines how many cpus on the box to use)
Best of luck,
-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant
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