Lisa Lewis ( wrote:
: Hi all,
: I have to create a second Oracle instance.  My platform is Unix and I am
: running Oracle 7.3.2.  My background is NT and I'm a little shaky working
: with unix.  Could someone please tell me if the following steps are correct
: for creating a second instance.  Am I leaving steps out?  Are there concerns
: that I should have or things to look out for?
: (1)  Set the environment variables ORACLE_SID to the new instance name.
: (2)  Create the new instance using oradim73.exe
: (3)  Connect internal
: (4)  startup the instance using the new initxxx.ora file w/NOMOUNT
: (5)  create the new database ... etc ...


You will have to first make directories, if you want to be OFA compliant.
I strongly recommend this, especially if you plan on having more than one
instance on your server, which you indicated you do. To do this :

* Make $ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/bdump,
       $ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/pfile directories, owned by
       the "oracle" userid and the "dba" group.
* Create an init.ora file, called "init$ORACLE_SID.ora" in the pfile
  directory. Oracle supplies sample files, or you can use the one from the
  other instance, and change the file to reflect the new $ORACLE_SID.
* Make a "soft link" in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. Since you not a
  UNIX type, you can issue the following commands:

ln -s $ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/pfile/init$ORACLE_SID.ora init$ORACLE_SID.ora

* Create the volumes for your data files, owned by "oracle"/"dba".
* Connect to SERVER MANAGER:

* Update your /etc/oratab file (see below)
* If using SQL*Net, update your listener (vi
$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora) and add the instance. Then,
restart the listener:

lsnrctl stop
lsnrctl start

: Also, what do I have to do to ensure that this
instance will be
: automatically started on reboot.  ( I didn't set up the first instance and I
: am not a UNIX person).

You need to modify your /etc/oratab file. It should contain a list of all
instances, followed by the Oracle home and a Y/N. Set the value to Y if
you want to bring up the database automatically during a reboot.

Also, you need to put Oracle's dbshut and sbstart in the proper
directories. This will depend on your UNIX environment.

Usually, K100oracle or dbshut goes in the /sbin/rc1.d directory, and
S9000oracle or dbstart goes in the /sbin/rc2.d directory.

Good luck!!!!
-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant

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: Thanks for any help! : 
: Lisa

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