Subject: Re: How to change password in SqlPlus/Net?
References: <5li7g8$kif$> (Ellen Paik) writes:
>Sorry about the cluelessness of the question, but how do you change your
>password (the one you use to connect to an Oracle database)?  I'm talking
>about the one you'd code into your Pro C program in the EXEC SQL CONNECT
>string, not the one to get on a server that runs the Oracle gateway.

>Hope that made sense.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

>| Ellen Paik                                                       |
>| Programmer/Analyst                                               |
>| Academic Data Systems                                            |
>| University of Maryland, College Park                             |
>| Phone: (301) 405-7259                                            |
>| Fax:   (301) 405-7942                                            |
In SQL*Plus, type:

alter user USERNAME identified by PASSWORD;

This will change the users's password (assuming you are the user or have
DBA privileges).

-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant

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