On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, GoplalaKrishnan K wrote:
> Hi DBAs
> Can any one tell me about the contents of cdump directory
> In my server it consumes lot of space.
> the conternts are not readable format.
> will deleting this files affect the database.
> Please Help
The cdump is one of the background file destinations for your Oracle
instance. Generally, cdump stores the core dumps created by other Oracle
errors. You will notice that Oracle creates a directory within cdump and
puts the core file in that subdirectory.
There will be a corresponding trace file in either bdump or udump (check
the number within the name of the file and the timestamp for correlation).
Usually, although not always, cdumps are caused by internal Oracle errors.
You should be sending these to Oracle support.
In any case, it does not hurt the database to delete these files. You can
examine these files in Unix with commands such as "strings -a" although
only Oracle support would know how to interpret it all.
Best regards,
-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant
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