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Visitors since August 7, 1998:
403. How to make an "ISNUMBER" function
401. Seeing duplicated index columns
398. How To Grant Privileges to All Users
396. AUTOEXTEND Syntax For Datafiles
394. Comparing index columns between two databases
393. Generate CREATE TABLESPACE commands
391. Select the "last" N records?
388. When was an Object Created?
380. Substituting _ and % in SQL
375. Syntax to Make Foreign Key
371. How Many Days Since 1900?
368. "NOT IN" vs. "NOT EXISTS"
363. Is It Possible to Describe a Synonym?
362. SQL*Plus Report Gets Distorted After Several Pages
357. Comparing Data on Two Instances
355. LTRIM and RTRIM to see data between -'s
343. Two Conditions with Decode
331. What users and SQL are locking rows/tables?
319. select the last n records from a table
317. SQL: Truncate and referential integrity
316. Using an inner SELECT statement with UPDATE
315. Multiple Triggers on one table? Also, Temporary Tables?
306. Restricting users to only their own records in a table
298. Two EXPLAIN PLAN questions
297. Using DECODE for RANGES of values
296. How to allow EVERY user access to a table
295. Selecting only EVEN or ODD records
292. How to see free space within existing extents?
283. Is DROP TABLE recorded in the redo logs?
281. UPDATE with multiple tables
277. Beginner: joining five tables
274. Getting data from the prior month
271. Dynamically selecting columns in SQL
269. Generating CREATE INDEX commands through Export/Import
263. Using the TRUNCATE Command
262. Finding Numerals Within a String Field
261. Defining Default Column Value
260. When was a table last had a record deleted/updated/inserted
254. I can't describe a table that I know exists!
252. How do you reset a sequence?
246. Returning the row with the Max total
244. Copying data among tables
240. Searching for the asterisk (*) in a string
238. The difference between a row and ROWID
236. BECOME USER privilege; rename a column; row chaining/migration
233. Updating rows which may return multiple values
232. Triggers on data dictionary; SGA swapping
229. Getting ROWID information
220. Limiting rows to the top X records meeting a condition
216. When do triggers fire? Can you export from one table and import into another?
197. Picking the Least-Used Rollback Segment for SET TRANSACTION
195. Database Character Sorting
192. Breaking up tables with LONG columns
189. How do you see table names in SQL*Plus?
186. How do you see the trigger body in the data dictionary?
182. Which SQL statements are being executed?
174. 1) Does unique constraint exist? 2) How do you use HOST?
159. Removing Columns from a Table
155. Selecting constraints from the dictionary
153. How to rebuild indexes quickly
151. Finding the total rows in the database
148. Determining max concurrent users
142. Is it possible to pass args. to a sql script?
130. How do I put a & in a varchar2?
119. Writing Ampersands to fields
118. Simple SQL Question from a Beginner
114. Finding duplicate rows in a table
112. How to set default initial extent when creating new table
102. How to display date and time from 'Select Sysdate...'
95. select and update by row number
93. [Q] how to find how many rows in each table in the database?
83. Is there a solution for varchar2 !
78. SQL*Plus / Windows NT / host commands
63. Help on how to get decode the resource id
15. Question: How to handle duplicate table names?
14. Using alter table add constraint syntax?
7. Need help with simple SQL syntax