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Visitors since August 7, 1998:
385. What is a "Wrapper Procedure/Function?"
379. What Does "wrapped sql" Mean?
353. Procedure correct but not working in script
255. How do I select the 1st, 500th, and 1000th rows - (with GREAT answer)!
247. Buffer overflow in PL/SQL; avoid writing to Rollback Segments
243. Finding the "NEXT" and "PREVIOUS" records in a table
241. SERVEROUTPUT is limiting me from looping in PL/SQ
237. Performance of a procedure
235. Creating a table with a condition that DECODE cannot handle
206. How many OPEN CURSORs do I have?
196. Combining Multiple Event Triggers on One Table
176. 1) Dynamically creating tables 2) Has a column been indexed ASC or DESC?
166. How to learn SQL and PL/SQL
164. Converting LONG to VARHCHAR2
139. dbms_output.put_line: formatting output
135. Export Utility and the package STANDARD
123. How to get multiple rows via a stored procedure
104. Oracle long field attribute - length
86. HELP returning rows from stored proc
66. dbms_output causing problems