On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, PG wrote:
> Hi Ari
> I had a look at a database and i've seen the following thing :
> open cursors = 50 (default)
> opened cursors current = 475
> Sometimes the user gets ora 1000 max open cursor exceeds.
> I can not find any trace of open_cursors or max_open_cursors in the
> init..ora file
> Where is max_open_cursors defined ??  what can i verify or do ???
> Peggy Gies
> Compex-LIS N.V.
> peggy.gies@compex.be
> tel direct :  (32) 54 31 86 21
> tel central: (32) 54 31 86 10
> Fax: (32) 54 34 45 10

For any Oracle parameter that is not defined in the init.ora file, the
default is taken. To find out all parameters that have the default values
(in your case max_open_cursors), issue:

select name, value
from v$parameter
where isdefault = 'TRUE';

To find all other parameters, issue:

select name, value
from v$parameter
where isdefault != 'TRUE';

Best regards,

-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant

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