> Hi Ari,
> I am running ORACLE 7 SERVER Release 7.3.3 on a Solaris 2.5 platform.
> The problem I am experiencing is that I can not run svrmgrm from my
> command line. I get The following error message :
> TK2-00001: an undefined Oracle Toolkit II failure occurred
> Can you please help me on this one?
> Regards
> marius@atio.co.za
> ATIO Corporation P.O.Box 4467,Rivonia,2128
> Tel : (27) (011) 235 7280 Fax: (27) (011) 807-3568
> Cell : (27) (0) 82 776 1737
> ATIO Africa House, Tuscany Office Park, Block H, Coombe Place, Rivonia
Make sure your DISPLAY environment variable is set to the IP address
of your computer. Also, check your TERM variable. If all else fails, set
it to "vt100". Check with your system admin to find your IP address (this is
if you are in an office networked environment.
Best of luck,
-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant
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