Subject: Re: SQL Query
References: <>

May 15, 1996

Shuzi Chen  writes:

>How to write the SQL like the following?

>   select * from test where name like 'hel[ply]'
>   it will return the records which name is help, hell or hely.
>Sybase can do exactly like the above. I do not think the Oracle supports
>the [].

>Thanks in advance.
>Shuzi Chen               

One way to do this:

select * from test where name in ('HELP','HELL','HELY');

In Oracle, there are only two pattern characters used in conjunction with 
the LIKE clause:

1) The underscore is a one-character wildcard. So,

select * from test where name like 'HEL_';

will return HELP, HELL, HELY....but it will also return HELA, HELB, HELC, 
etc. if those rows exist in the table.

2) The percent sign is a several-character wildcard...

select * from test where name like 'HEL%';

will return HELP, HELL, HELY....but it will also return ALL records that 
start with 'HEL', such as 'HELLO', 'HELTER-SKELTER', 'HELOTROPISM', well 
you get the idea.

Good luck!

-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant

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