On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Banerjee, Poolak wrote:
> Hi Ari,
> I need a quick help. 
> I have a table lot-header ('desc'ribed below). I have to make a query which
> will bring all the parentlotid (unique) and some other fields where the
> lotstarttime is NULL.
> For the data set shown below, I expect the query will bring (2 records) only
> P1 and P2 as parentlots. It will ignore P3 as atleast one lotid (L18 here)
> for the parentlot P3 has non-null lotstarttime.
> I tried the following one but gettingvery erratic values.
>   1  select unique(parentlotid), parentlotqty, numberofcarrier
>   2  from lot_header
>   3  where
>   4  lotstarttime = ALL (select lotstarttime from lot_header where
> lotstarttime is NOT NULL)
>   5* order by parentlotid desc
> SQL> /
> ----------- ---------- ---------------
> P3                                   3
> This works fine...
> But if I do
> 1  select unique(parentlotid), parentlotqty, numberofcarrier
>   2  from lot_header
>   3  where
>   4  lotstarttime = ALL (select lotstarttime from lot_header where
> lotstarttime is NULL)
>   5* order by parentlotid desc
>   6  /
> no rows selected
> Here I expected atleast P1 and P2 will appear. If L18 also has null
> lotstarttime, then I expect P1, P2 and P3 to appear.
> Please help me in having the correct sql query. This is very urgent. I am
> sure no point in mentioning that you will test the script before letting me
> know, but please understand the urgency of the situation.
> Thanks in advance 
> Cheers,
> Poolak
> Data contents.....
> SQL> select lotid, parentlotid,lotstarttime from lot_header;
> ----------- ----------- ---------
> L1          P1
> L2          P1
> L3          P1
> L4          P1
> L5          P1
> L6          P1
> L7          P1
> L8          P1
> L9          P2
> L10         P2
> L11         P2
> L12         P2
> L13         P2
> L14         P3
> L15         P3
> L16         P3
> L17         P3
> L18         P3          02-JUN-99
> SQL> desc lot_header
>  Name                            Null?    Type
>  ------------------------------- -------- ----
>  LOTID                                    VARCHAR2(11)
>  FTGDFILENAME                             VARCHAR2(32)
>  FTGDLOADCOUNT                            NUMBER(2)
>  SOURCEBAUNUMBER                          VARCHAR2(8)
>  PARENTLOTID                              VARCHAR2(11)
>  LOTPRIORITY                              VARCHAR2(15)
>  BAU_NO_951                               VARCHAR2(8)
>  AUTOLINE                                 VARCHAR2(20)
>  PACKAGE                                  VARCHAR2(24)
>  DEVICE                                   VARCHAR2(11)
>  PARENTLOTQTY                             VARCHAR2(10)
>  LOTQTY                                   VARCHAR2(10)
>  NUMBEROFCARRIER                          NUMBER(2)
>  CELLNAME                                 VARCHAR2(20)
>  QTYINSPECTEDATABOS                       NUMBER(4)
>  TOTALDEFECTQTY                           NUMBER(4)
>  LASTPROCESSSTEP                          VARCHAR2(15)
>  LOTSTARTTIME                             DATE
>  LOTCOMPLETEDFLAG                         VARCHAR2(1)
>  LOTCOMPLETEDTIME                         DATE
>  MULTICHIPINDICATOR                       VARCHAR2(1)
>  LASTWSTXN                                VARCHAR2(4)
>  LOTSTATUSFORWS                           VARCHAR2(4)
>  CREATEDON                                DATE
>  CREATEDBY                                VARCHAR2(8)
>  LASTMODIFIEDON                           DATE
>  LASTMODIFIEDBY                           VARCHAR2(8)
>  CCROLLBACKFLAG                           VARCHAR2(1)
>  PRINTCOUNTER                             NUMBER(2)
> poolak banerjee
> Manufacturing Solutions Practice
> COMPAQ Computers Asia/Pacific PTE LTD
> E-Mail: poolak.banerjee@compaq.com  
> Phone: 65-580-5445

Your first query will work fine, as you noted:

select unique(parentlotid), parentlotqty, numberofcarrier
from lot_header
where lotstarttime = ALL (select lotstarttime from lot_header where
                          lotstarttime is NOT NULL)
order by parentlotid desc

----------- ---------- ---------------
P3                                   3

Your second query should be switched to the following:

select unique(parentlotid), parentlotqty, numberofcarrier
from lot_header
where parentlotid not in (select parentlotid
                          from lot_header
                          where lotstarttime is not null)
order by parentlotid desc

This will only select PARENTLOTIDs NOT from the inner-select, which is a
list of all PARENTLOTIDs where there are no lotstarttime values. It sounds
confusing (a few double-negatives) but it works.

Basically, the inner select shows all PARENTLOTID values that have at 
least one record with a LOTSTARTTIME value. Then the outer-select returns
all unique records where their PARENTLOTID is NOT in this list of

Hope that this helps!

-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant

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