Subject: Re: Is there a solution for varchar2 !
Terrence Wong ( wrote:
: Greetings.
: varchar2 have a limitation, in that they can be declared up to a maximum
: of 32K. I need to store a variable string that sometimes may be longer
: than 32K. Is there another solution to this. There are ways round it,
: but it is not elegant. Do shed your experiences.
: I am writing in PL/SQL for the web.
: Thanks in advance.
: Trrence Wong
: Systems Developer
Varchar2 is limited to 2K, not 32K. You will need to use the LONG datatype
for anything over 2K. You could, on the other hand, break up the field into
several 2K chunks using the SUBSTR function, but this could be the "not
elegant" method you mentioned.
Don't forgret that Oracle8 will allow larger sizes, both in datatype and
number of columns in a table. Still, you will be limited to 4K for
-Ari Kaplan
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