> Need help with an UPDATE statement involving multiple tables in Oracle8.
> Here it is:
> UPDATE employees e, address a SET e.division ='North America'
> where e.employee_id = a.employee_id
> and a.country ='USA'
> I am experiencing problems with having multiple tables in the UPDATE clause.
> In my actual query, I have many more tables with aliases in the UPDATE clause
> table-specification.
> Will appreciate any help.
> Thanks.
You can only UPDATE one table. So, you can change your SQL to the following:
UPDATE employees e
SET e.division = 'North America'
WHERE exists
(SELECT a.employee_id
FROM address a
WHERE a.country='USA' AND
a.employee_id = e.employee_id)
This will have the same effect as your SQL, but will work with Oracle.
Best regards,
-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant
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