On Wed, 19 May 1999, Jonathan Lui wrote:

> I am having problems getting the DBMS_OUTPUT to work.  I have used the set
> serveroutput on.  How do I enable this option?
> As well I would like to display a number returned from a select count(*)
> command in a report.  Would I have to store this value in an array or would
> I have to put this value temporarily into a field and extract it that way.
> Thanks
> Jonathan Lui


You can select the count into a variable and then use DBMS_OUTPUT to
display the results:

  var_count   NUMBER
  SELECT COUNT(*) INTO var_count
  FROM my_table
  WHERE column_1 = 'HAPPY GILMORE';
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The count is ...');

Best regards,

-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant

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