On Wed, 1 Sep 1999 PRIBILLA.Michael@EU.DRAGOCO.COM wrote:
> Hi,
> received ora-600 messages on a production database a few times this morning.
> Oracle documentation says "report it as bug".
> Any more information available out there?
> Thanks in advance,
> Michael
Many, if not most of us have received the ORA-600 error at one point or
another. It should be regarded as a "catch-all" error message for any
problem that Oracle encounters that it cannot classify as another error
number. It most likely IS a bug. If you have Oracle 8.0 or earlier,
chances are that another customer has encountered your same problem that
support can guide you through.
What you need to do is:
* Look in your ../bdump, ../cdump, and ../udump directories. Look for
trace files that occurred at the time of your ORA-600 error. These files
can tell you more specifics of what happened, and you can send these files
to Oracle Support.
* Look in your alert_{SID}.ora file. There will hopefully be messages
about the ORA-600 error. There will also be associated numbers in brackets
that will tell Oracle Support what system executable and offset caused the
error. For example, you will see:
ORA-600 [432182] [431] [5] [5] [] []
Best regards,
-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant
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