Subject: Re: Is Oracle the worst-documented product of all time?

Leng Kaing ( wrote:
: Most arguments seems to say that Oracle is too complex - it requires too
: much time, dedication, consultancy, training etc. People from Access and
: the likes wants something just as easy to work with. Ok. I know how to
: use DOS, Windows 95, and NT. Not perfect, but I can work with it. Does
: that make me a Unix, VMS or MVS expert? NO! And you wouldn't want to
: take anyone on with that kind of experience to administer your o/s
: either. The same argument applies to Oracle. It is a large and complex
: product that calls for training, etc to be invested. 
: Having worked with Oracle, Informix and Sybase previously, I can say
: that I picked up Oracle more easily than I did the other two. And the
: documentation for Oracle are also better than Informix and Sybase. I
: must admit that I had the hard copy to look at. Soft copy just doesn't
: work for me. I hate reading things on-line, except for emails and
: newsgroup articles. Yeah, and Oracle Book is no fun. Hopefully HTML will
: replace it soon!
: Leng.

Just got Oracle8 - its documentation is in html format.

-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant

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