Subject: Re: table all_errors does not exist!
References: <5pd4fr$gvv@news.Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE>

Gerhard Moeller ( wrote:
: Hi,
: when I try to look up a compilation error from within SQL*Plus via
: "show error", I get an error that the table all_errors does not exist:
: 	[...]
: 	ORCL> /
: 	Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors: 
: 	ORCL> show errors
: 	select to_char(line)||'/'||to_char(position) "LINE/COL", text
: "ERROR" from all_errors a where = 'RMPATCH' and a.type =
: 'PACKAGE BODY' and a.owner = user order by line, position
: *
: 	ERROR at line 1:
: 	ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
: 	No errors.
: How can I recreate the table all_errors and why am I missing it?
: 	Thank you for your help, Gerhard.
: -- 
:  Dipl. Inform. Gerhard Möller -- Gerhard.Moeller@OFFIS.Uni-Oldenburg.DE
: OFFIS                   | | | | | |       Tel.:   0441/9722-122
: Escherweg 2             | | | | | |       Sekr.:  0441/9722-113 oder -101
: D-26121 Oldenburg       |O|F|F|I|S|       Fax:    0441/9722-102


Guten tag oder morgen,

Your all_errors view should have been created when your database was
created. Look in your create database log files for any error messages.

Regardless of how it was not created, you can recreate it by re-running
the catproc.sql script which is found in the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
directory. Be sure to log in as the SYS user.

The catproc.sql script calls the catprc.sql script, which creates the
all_errors view (among other views for stored procedurs and triggers).

Since you had a problem with one view that should have been there, I would
recommend re-running the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catalog.sql script as
well to re-create all data dictionary views.

-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant

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