> Hi Ari.
> I am tring to create a table, the value for the filed must be imported
> from two different flat files and part of a filed-value must be forced.
> How do i load this data.  I know i could
> use control file to read data form a fixed lenght file, but not sure on
> the (variable lenght + multiple files)  could you please advice.

It is straightforward to load from one flat file into two or more tables.
What you need to do is trickier.

You will have to load into two temporary tables first, then do:

INSERT INTO real_table
SELECT temp_table1.column_1, temp_table1.column_2, 'FORCED VALUE',
       temp_table2.column_1, temp_table2.column_2
FROM Table1, Table2
WHERE (add where clause to join tables)

Hope this helps!

-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant

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