D Morrow (morrowd@ci.portsmouth.va.us) wrote:
: Has anyone encountered the ORA-01000: maximum number of cursors exceeded
: error when trying to add a column to a table using the ALTER TABLE command.
:  I changed the value of OPEN_CURSORS from default of 50 up to 200 and still
: received the error.  It is not a large table (51 columns/about 5000 rows).
: Any direction or guidance would be appreciated.
: Thanx in advance

Three things:
1) You must shut down and restart the database for the new OPEN_CURSORS
   value to take effect. Make sure you do this.
2) You should explicitly CLOSE your cursors if you are opening them in
   PL/SQL or third-party tools. Otherwise you will continue to accumulate
   cursors until you exceed your limit.
3) You can find out how many cursors are open with:


Best of luck,

-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant

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