On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Ralf Staib wrote:
> Hi Ari,
> we want to import a Oracle7-Full-Datatbase Dump into an Oracle 8-Database with
> The Error-Message was IMP-00023:
> IMP-00023 import views not installed, please notify your DBA
> Cause: The necessary Import views were not installed.
> Action: Ask your database administrator to install the required Import
> views
> Which VIew?s are these?? How can I get them created??
> You have a great site.
> We would appreciate it, if you could help us.
> With kindly regards
> Ralf + Wolf
What you need to do is run "catexp.sql" as SYS or INTERNAL. The file is
located in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin.
This script creates data dictionary views for the Export and Import
utilities. There are a couple of dozen views created. If you are curious
to learn more about them, read the documented catexp.sql file itself.
This script should have been run when your database was created.
Best regards,
-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant
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