Subject: Re: core dump while querying large tables
References: <01bc27b5$5049a9e0$7c002f96@CV>

"Spatial Knowledge Systems"  writes:

>When I do a select with some clauses on a large table, Oracle generates a
>core dump and the proces is stopped.
>Can anyone explain what the problem is here ? ( I am using Oracle 7 on IRIX



Look in your bdump, cdump, and udump directories for trace files. Also
check the alert_{SID}.log file. These should contain further information
for you to use in debugging.

If you get a core dump, it sounds likely that there is an ORA-600 internal
error. Perhaps a corrupt data block or db_writer problem. Regardless, the
files described above should give you guidance.

Good luck,

-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant

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