On Thu, 25 Feb 1999, Manish Modi wrote:
> Hi Mr.Kaplan,
> Can you tell me how to fix this kind of errors.
> SVRMGR> connect internal
> Connected to an idle instance.
> SVRMGR> startup
> ORACLE instance started.
> Total System Global Area 36383036 bytes
> Fixed Size 39808 bytes
> Variable Size 19795388 bytes
> Database Buffers 16384000 bytes
> Redo Buffers 163840 bytes
> Database mounted.
> ORA-01534: rollback segment 'R05' doesn't exist
> SVRMGR> quit
> Server Manager complete.
> $ oerr ora 01534
> 01534, 00000, "rollback segment '%s' doesn't exist"
> // *Cause: During ALTER or DROP ROLLBACK SEGMENT, the specified
> // rollback segment name is unknown.
> // *Action: Use the correct rollback segment name.
> How to enter into the oracle and do all the required changes.
> Thanks.
> With Regard,
> Manish Modi.
Manish,What is happening is that you have some rollback segments specified in
your INIT.ORA file that do not exist in the database.
Comment out the line in the INIT.ORA that has "rollback_segments = " in
it. You can comment out a line by putting "#" at the beginning of the
Start up your database. You now need to create the rollback segments that
are specified in the INIT.ORA file, uncomment out the "rollback_segments
=" line and restart the database.
This should do it.
-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant
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