> Hi Ari,
> Well, I am on a unix box  having Oracle 7.3 and I need to run server   
> manager. I heard that you should run exceed to get servermanager run. I   
> did execute exceed. By running server manager as given bellow it gives   
> this message. The name of the unix box is cobra.
> cobra:/export/home/bpoikayil> svrmgrm   
> TK2-04097: Oracle Toolkit II's connection to the window system was   
> refused
> note : I have logged into Unix through windows 95, desktop.
> Any help or hints are welcome
> Thanks in advance for the same ...
> Bijilal Poikayil
> ADP Claims Solutions Group.
> San Ramon

First, you must "telnet" directly onto the UNIX server. Do not logon to one
server, telnet into another, then run server manager.

Then, you must have the UNIX environment variable DISPLAY set. In my setting,
it is the IP address (of the PC), followed by a :0.0

For example, I do:

export DISPLAY=

Then, Server Manager will work. You can also do Server Manager in line mode
with "svrmgrl".

Best of luck,

-Ari Kaplan
Independent Oracle DBA Consultant

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