U.S. 1
Princeton's Business and Entertainment Weekly
May 1, 2002
Computer Festival Child Becomes a Keynote
The Trenton Computer
Festival is 27 this year. No personal computer show in the country has had such
a long run. Not much older than the show, Ari Kaplan, who first saw a computer
in the basement of Allen Katz, a founder of the festival, is well on his way to
making a fortune in the computer field. Kaplan is founder and CEO of Expand
Beyond, a Chicago-based start-up that develops wireless software that allows
database professionals to fix their systems from anywhere in the world.
Kaplan delivers the keynote at the festival on Saturday, May 4, at 3:35 p.m. at
the New Jersey Convention Center in Edison. The festival runs from 10 a.m. to 5
p.m. on both Saturday, May 4, and Sunday, May 5. A flea market opens an hour
earlier on both days. Cost: $15 each day; children under 12 free. Call
609-730-0746 or visit www.tcf-nj.org.
Founded by Katz, of the College of New Jersey, and by Sol Libes, of the Amateur
Computer Group of New Jersey, the festival is sponsored by a number of groups,
including IEEE Princeton/Central Jersey Section, ACM/IEEE Princeton Chapter,
Central Jersey Computer Club, the College of New Jersey Engineering Department
Scholarship Fund, and the Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey. Speakers include
Josephine Giamo of New Cognitive Systems on How Usable Is this Website; Carl
Galletti of PC Marketing on Secrets of Internet Marketing; Douglas Ferguson of
Intel on Extreme Media: Different Ideas for the Telephony Service Provider; Eva
Kaplan of the Pennington Computer School on Best Websites, Software, and Games
for K-8 Grades; and Rebecca Mercuri of Bryn Mawr College on Why Computers
Shouldn't Count Votes.
Publicity for the event is being handled by Eva Kaplan, who is Kaplan's mother.
A pioneer in computer education, she opened a computer school for children some
20 years ago. Kaplan's father, Gerry Kaplan, now with General Electric, was an
engineer at RCA's satellite division when he was growing up. The Kaplans were
friendly with Katz, and that is how Kaplan came to spend time hanging out in
Katz's basement working with computers.
Before he turned 10 Kaplan was using Katz's computers to program. "At nine
years old, I was writing video games and speech recognition software," he
recalls. At about that time, his family got their first computer, a TRS-80. It
was a Model T compared with the fast computers that came later, but it was
powerful enough so that Kaplan could create adventure games.
As a teenager, Kaplan, a Mets fan and founder of a David Cone fan club,
developed player development and scouting software for Major League Baseball.
"The metrics used to evaluate players, trade players, and set salaries
were based on statistics that were not mathematically sound," he says. An
example, he says, is that a relief pitcher's main job is striking out -- or
otherwise erasing -- "inherited runners," the players the starting
pitcher leaves on base. "Yet," he says, "there were no
statistics that said how well he does at keeping these players from
Likewise, there were no statistics that assigned blame to a starting pitcher
for letting those players get to base. Kaplan's statistics, developed while he
was a freshman at Cal Tech (Class of 1992), provide a way of factoring the fate
of those base runners into evaluations of both starting pitchers and relief
Kaplan went on to computerize the whole process of scouting potential ball
players. Scouts, he says, have always looked at a large number of factors --
"how aggressive players are, how they handle emotions, whether they're
married, how fast they get to first base." Instead of taking notes on
paper, scouts, using Kaplan's software, can type their observations into a
laptop, where it goes into a database their bosses can access to get look at a
player's attributes. "Now," he says, "they can find the best
hitting third baseman in a second. It used to take weeks."
Kaplan says one third of all major league teams use his software and data
bases, and he continues to work on them, but only in his free time. His main
business interests are elsewhere.
After graduating from Cal Tech, Kaplan went to work for Oracle as a database
administrator, developing databases for a number of large organizations,
including Hallmark, Merck. He then became an independent contractor, working on
projects for the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Chicago Board Options
Exchange, and U.S. Robotics, the maker of Palm Pilots, which was subsequently
acquired by 3Com.
Whether he was an employee or a contractor, Kaplan encountered the same
frustration on every single assignment -- a frustration he says all database
administrators, and most IT professionals, share. He would no sooner leave the
office, armed with a pager and a cell phone, than he would get a call. The
system was down, or running slowly, or in some kind of trouble. "I would
have to scramble back to the office," he says. "When DBAs (database
administrators) and other IT people leave," he says, "companies are
The need to be onsite to fix problems means that IT professionals spend a lot
of time making U-turns on freeways, jumping up from dinner tables, and flying
home early from vacations. And during the time it takes for these harried
information experts to get back to home base, their employers are losing money,
often lots of money. "Every minute delay costs companies efficiency and
money," says Kaplan. Unplanned downtime can cost a company $6,000 to
$8,000 a minute, and in some cases more than 10 times that amount.
Thinking about this, Kaplan came up with the idea of developing wireless
software that would give database administrators the ability to look inside
their databases from a beach or movie theater lobby or kitchen far, far away
from the office. And not just look inside the systems, but also fix them, and
get them back online. In late 1999 he founded Expand Beyond (www.xb.com) to
develop such software. The company began to market its first product, PocketDBA
in March, 2001, and attracted $11.2 million in first round funding from Menlo
Ventures and angel investors in September, 2001.
Expand Beyond now has 40 employees, including Rachel Greene, the company's vice
president of marketing, and now Kaplan's wife. Before he brought her on board,
Greene was in charge of the milk mustache marketing campaign. Says Kaplan
proudly: "She did it through the first 60 celebrities."
Expand Beyond is marketing its software to all kinds of companies -- any
company with a database is a potential client. Clients include Best Buy, the
U.S. Patent Office, the Department of Defense, and fast food chain Steak &
The company licenses the software for $600 per database, per year. A small
company would have one to 10 databases, says Kaplan, a middle-size company 10
to 30 databases, and a large company, 30 databases and up. These databases keep
track of everything from inventory to customer information, payroll to
manufacturing records.
PocketDBA installs on wireless devices, including cell phones, Palm Pilots and
Pocket PCs. The company makes just one version of the software. As it is
installing, the software determines what type of device it is going into and
makes the necessary adjustments. This means that it does not matter if some of
a company's database administrators use Palm Pilots and some use Pocket PCs.
The two kinds of devices have different operating systems, and PocketDBA works
with each of them.
With PocketDBA installed, database administrators can fix problems from
anywhere. Kaplan says competing software allows IT employees to look into a
database from a remote location, but that his product is the only one that lets
them get the systems back up and running. He fully expects that other software
will soon include this capability, but meanwhile, he says, Expand Beyond has
the first-to-market advantage.
Expand Beyond is not yet profitable, says Kaplan. The company is spending its
time -- and money -- on placing PocketDBA in companies around the globe. It has
a new product, PocketAdmin, and other products will follow, taking many IT
tasks wireless. Kaplan's exit strategy is an IPO. "We plan to feed the
marketplace, get everyone using the software, and add additional
products." Then, he says, the time will be right for an IPO, if, that is,
stock market conditions have strengthened.
In any case, Kaplan has come a long way from Katz's basement. For one thing, he
now owns no fewer than seven computers of his own, five of them wireless hand
helds, which were still a couple of decades short of market when Katz helped to
organize the first Trenton Computer Festival 27 years ago.
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